

Faridah Abdul-Tawwab Brown

Family Ties have served as both incubator and exemplar in the life of co-host, Faridah Abdul-Tawwab Brown.
She was born to the union of two educators who forged a bond in the  crucible of a faith that fueled their commitments to education and to community life. She is a product of this native born Muslim American tradition.  Always in awe of nature, she sought beauty and guidance, discovering her place in the unity of creation and within the calm and storm of life with her younger brother and sister and her twin.
As a former middle and high school teacher, and current home educator, she utilizes the structure and interdependence of family life as a model for understanding and reinforcing concepts and relationships. As she first did within the womb of her family, Faridah seeks the will of G-d, the interests of family ties, and the concerns of community life.

Faridah and her husband of 24 years are parents of four  daughters. 


Frank Abdul Shaheed

"No man is an island!"- John Donne.
Born 4th out of 5 children was the first lesson learned about the importance of Family Ties. My goal is to awaken and re-establish the vision and efforts for all to exist in our best picture. With 25 years of marriage and the father of 2 young men, living in Baltimore, Maryland has challenged the strength of those Family Ties.

I am an avid reader and traveller who loves information and the challenges of its application. Graduating with a Bachelors of Science in Biology and working as a teacher in elementary education has reinforced the importance of the Family Ties. Born as a 2nd generation Muslim under America's first Islamic tradition has provided a comprehensive insight that addresses the value of the Family Ties. So please join our experience as we strengthen our Family Ties. 
